Nicola Westwood Nicola Westwood

Low-tox Summer Essentials

Summer is a great time to get outside and soak up that good Vitamin D. But how do you know if your sunscreen is free of toxic chemicals? And what about the toxins in bug spray? How can you make sure you are taking care of your skin while still enjoying plenty of time outdoors? Summer is the perfect time to embrace a more natural, holistic lifestyle. With warmer weather and longer days, there's an opportunity to make simple but effective changes that benefit your health and the environment. Unfortunately though, typical products we reach for like sunscreen, bug spray, and after sun products have loads of chemicals. In this ultimate summer guide, I'm sharing my favourite low-tox recipes and tips to help you enjoy a vibrant, healthy summer.

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Nicola Westwood Nicola Westwood

Mindful Mornings.

Morning routines are popular as ever right now. Wellness experts, self-made millionaires, and TikTok-obsessed teens all swear by their waking rituals, ranging from pre-dawn Pilates to a half-hour of gratitude journaling and tea sipping.

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Nicola Westwood Nicola Westwood

Essential Oils for Pregnancy.

I believe that knowledge is power, and having natural, safe, and powerful tools to turn to during pregnancy, labour and birth can truly change everything.

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Nicola Westwood Nicola Westwood

A day in the life.

Using your essential oils in your home, on your body and in your life every day.

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Nicola Westwood Nicola Westwood

What is Toxic Burden?

This is what kicked off our efforts towards a cleaner home (not the ‘clean’ you’re probably thinking!)

Our kids are our reason. We wanted - and still want to - lower the burden of toxicity on their bodies in order for them to live a healthier, fuller and longer life at their maximum abilities and capacities.

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Nicola Westwood Nicola Westwood

Why Essential Oils?

They have truly changed our lives. But why essential oils? What are they? What can they do?

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